Sepi Wood was appointed by the City of Brisbane to the Board of Directors of the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency in 2012. Brisbane owns and operates its own water utility, serving nearly 3,600 residential customers.
Ms. Wood was first elected to the City Council in November 1995. She served on the
City Council for over 15 years, twice as Mayor. She has been very active on various Statewide and Regional Boards such the League of California Cities, Association of Bay Area Governments (Regional Planning, Finance & Legislation), San Mateo County Transportation Authority, San Francisco Airport Roundtable, Land Acquisition Formation Commission, City/County Association of Governments (Finance & Legislation), and Energy, Environment and Congestion Management. Richardson also serves on the Civil Service Commission, the San Mateo Community College District Foundation Board, and the Skyline President’s Council.
Ms. Wood was the Liaison to the Brisbane Chamber of Commerce Business Relations, San Mateo County Library JPA/ Friends of Brisbane Library. In addition, she served on various City Council subcommittees such as Finance, Labor Negotiations, Public Information and Technology, High School subcommittee, Arts, and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).
Ms. Wood emigrated to the U.S. in 1972 in pursuit of quality education. While working at three different jobs, she earned her bachelor's degree in business management and a master's degree in Counseling and Psychology. In 1986, she started Richardson Consulting Services, a financial, management, human resources, labor relations, and government relations company dedicated to assist organizations to effectively manage their operations. As the CEO/CFO of the company, she devotes her time turning around financially strained operations back to financial health, while volunteering for various not-for-profit organizations on their fundraising efforts. She has been a Brisbane resident since 1987.