Public Works & Utilities Department?
777 B Street
Hayward, California 94541
Phone: (510) 583-4700 Fax: (510) 583-3610
The City of Hayward is located in south Alameda County on the eastern shore of the San Francisco Bay.
Area Size |
62.5 square miles |
Service Population |
160,311 |
Number of Accounts |
36,655 |
Number of SF RWS Connections |
4 (two at each turnout) |
Connections To SF RWS Mains |
BDPL 1 and 2 |
Avg. Day Demand (mgd) |
14.55 |
Avg. Day Purchases From SF RWS (mgd) |
14.55 |
% Demand Met With SF RWS Supplies |
100.0% |
Maximum Local Water Production (mgd) |
0 |
Alternative Supply Sources |
Local Groundwater (Emergency Use Only) |
Interties With Other Agencies |
Local Storage (mg) |
29.4 |
Days of Storage |
1.7 - All zones can meet the 8 hr criteria either separately or by pumping from zones with excess capacity. Well water could be used in an emergency. |
The City of Hayward obtains its entire water supply from the SF RWS at two turnouts, one at the Irvington Portal and one at the Newark valve lot. The distribution system consists of 6 main pressure zones, 14 water storage tanks, and 7 pump stations delivering water to upper pressure zones. The transmission system attached to the Hetch Hetchy aqueduct is complemented by two booster pump stations: the Decoto pump station, located along the Mission Boulevard 24” transmission main, and the Hesperian pump station, located along the Hesperian Boulevard 42” transmission main. Multiple pressure reducing stations interface between the transmission and distribution systems. Five emergency water wells can be brought online in the event of a transmission system failure.
There is at least one storage tank located within each pressure zone, with pump stations to deliver water to the higher elevation zones. Water is delivered to the 250 pressure zone from SF RWS with sufficient pressure under most conditions. Storage is located in the eastern portion of the City, east of Mission Blvd. The Decoto and/or Hesperian pump stations boost pressure in the 250 zone when necessary. All five emergency wells are located west of Mission Blvd., as are three of the City’s four emergency interties.
Supply by Source |
Actual |
Actual |
Actual |
Actual |
San Francisco Water |
7,101,954 |
6,821,848 |
6,794,224 |
7,098,330 |
Local Groundwater |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Recycled Water* |
313,485 |
361,987 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
7,415,439 |
7,183,835 |
6,794,224 |
7,098,330 |
mgd equivalent |
15.20 |
14.72 |
13.92 |
14.55 |
Demand by Sector |
Residential |
3,708,772 |
3,696,052 |
3,726,969 |
3,900,465 |
Commercial/Industrial |
1,507,655 |
1,647,709 |
1,627,967 |
1,289,268 |
Other |
415,716 |
629,273 |
558,187 |
488,247 |
Dedicated Irrigation |
784,722 |
807,220 |
923,004 |
959,411 |
Non-Revenue Water |
685,089 |
41,594 |
-41,903 |
460,939 |
Total |
7,101,954 |
6,821,848 |
6,794,224 |
7,098,330 |
mgd equivalent |
14.55 |
13.98 |
13.92 |
14.55 |
Per Capita Use |
Actual |
Actual |
Actual |
Actual |
Residential |
47 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
Gross |
91 |
82 |
87 |
89 |
*Recycled water delivery includes volumes of secondary treated water delivered by Russell City Energy Center (RCEC) and Skywest Golf Course
Designation |
Type |
Capacity (gallons) |
Designation |
Type |
Capacity (gallons) |
Treeview |
Concrete |
3,000,000 |
250 West |
Concrete |
500,000 |
Maitland |
Concrete |
1,000,000 |
Highland 500 |
Concrete |
3,000,000 |
North Walpert |
Concrete |
1,500,000 |
Highland 750 |
Steel |
4,400,000 |
South Walpert |
Steel |
5,300,000 |
Highland 1000 |
Steel |
2,200,000 |
D Street |
Concrete |
1,000,000 |
Highland 1285 |
Steel |
1,800,000 |
High School |
Concrete |
1,000,000 |
Garin Hills |
Steel |
1,250,000 |
250 East |
Concrete |
500,000 |
Highland 1530 |
Steel |
2,900,000 |
13,300,000 |
Total |
29,350,000 |
Name |
Capacity (mgd) |
Status |
Well A |
1.7 |
Standby (Emergency) |
Well B |
2.9 |
Standby (Emergency) |
Well C |
4.6 |
Standby (Emergency) |
Well D |
1.4 |
Standby (Emergency) |
Well E |
3.0 |
Standby (Emergency) |
Total |
13.6 |
Name |
No. |
Diameter |
3 |
10, 12 |
1 |
12 |
*Also capable of hydrant-to-hydrant interconnection with EBMUD for firefighting purposes during emergencies.